Learning Support

We are committed to providing equitable outcomes for all learners.

We recognise that all learners progress at different rates and it is important to teach to stage rather than age.

Upon enrolment, all students in NZ schools undertake a School Entry Assessment (SEA) which gives an indication of their early literacy knowledge upon starting school. After one year at school, students are re-tested by their teacher 1:1 with the same diagnostic assessment tool which is called the 6 Year Net. Progress is then measured and data from this test is used to assess if additional support is needed.

At any one time, 3-4 spaces are funded for Reading Recovery. This programme is delivered by a specialist teacher in a 1:1 setting to accelerate progress in reading and writing. Students identified with the highest level of need are referred to this programme.

Any students identified as not making sufficiency of progress are recorded on our support register. This collaborative document is used by management, classroom teachers and other specialist teachers to plan strategies and track progress of these learners.

A Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is employed by the school to support learners and teachers. Between management, classroom teachers and the SENCO, appropriate programmes are planned and implemented with support from other agencies and specialists where necessary.

The school also employs a number of teacher aides to assist in the delivery of programmes in classes to groups and 1:1. Target areas for this are around literacy, numeracy, social skills and speech and language.

We also recognise that mastering fundamental movements are an important part of children’s’ development. To support this, we employ a specialist teacher to deliver the PMP (Perceptual Motor Programme). This programme develops coordination, movement, balance and fitness as well as cognitive skills such as memory, language and problem solving.

Prior to enrolment, if you are aware or suspect that your child has specific needs in any area, please discuss with the school so any additional resources or specialists can be engaged with to support your child’s learning.