“Working together to create an inclusive, respectful learning culture that nurtures tangata whenuatanga, enabling our ākonga to thrive and soar in their life and learning.”
Principal’s Welcome

Nau mai, haere mai
It is my privilege to welcome you to Riwaka School!
Our awesome school is located at the heart of our community, where our river meets the sea.
We are a medium-sized primary school with spacious grounds, a 25m swimming pool, pump track and various play and sports venues. We utilise our amazing ‘backyard’ – the Abel Tasman National Park – for day and overnight excursions; Education Outside the Classroom is woven throughout our curriculum.
Our AWHI learner attributes of
Ako, Whanaungatanga, Hauora and Integrity –
provide the foundation for all that we do.
We love to celebrate the progress and achievements of our students as we share in their life and learning journey. We aspire for all of our tamariki to be the best they can be; now and into the future.
I am proud to say that our school has an amazing team of staff – a caring, dedicated group of professionals, committed to delivering best outcomes for our learners. I feel fortunate to be part of Our Place.
We look forward to getting to know you and your child and partnering with you on their learning pathway.
Riuwaka te puna wai, whakatipu ngā tamariki
The flowing waters nurture our future generations
Adele Lidgard
Tumuaki – Principal