School Vision
Our school vision
Riuwaka te puna wai, whakatipu ngā tamariki
The flowing waters nurture our future generations
reminds us of the long-standing history our school has with Our Place and speaks of the hope that the children will continue to flourish.
It guides us, like the Riuwaka River that flows to the Tasman Sea; to consider each child as they ‘spring forth’ and make their own journey through the pools, rocky beds and bends to the river mouth – so they have the skills, resilience, confidence and self-belief to reach their own full potential, which will in turn, impact our future world.
AWHI Learner Attributes

To ‘awhi’ is to care for, embrace and cherish. At Riwaka School we care for, embrace and cherish each other and our environment. Our teaching and learning is underpinned by the following attributes:
Ako – We Learn Together
Our AKO learner looks like learning partnerships, explaining and listening, empowered, motivated and active students;
it sounds like a busy hive, questions and inquiring children supporting each other in their learning;
it feels safe, inclusive and children are valued for what they bring to the learning environment.
Whanaungatanga – We Belong
Our WHANAUNGATANGA learner looks like respect, encouragement, positive relationships, looking after our environment and each other;
it sounds like put ups, celebrations, compassion and empathy, supportive and nurturing, welcoming and inclusive ;
it feels like a family, it feels like we belong here, it feels like we treasure the past and are excited for what the future holds.
Hauora – Wellness of Life
Our HAUORA learner looks like knowing what I need to be healthy and well, understanding my own and others emotions, aspirations for my own learning and life;
it sounds like self-expression, checking in, comfortable and confident tamariki;
it feels good to be me, valued, safe and cared for.
Integrity – I have Integrity
Our INTEGRITY learner looks like doing the right thing even when noone is watching, being a role model, respect for myself, self- belief and courage;
it sounds like manners, owning my actions, friendly and positive to others;
it feels like I can be proud of my choices, I am proud to be me.