Absences / Accident / Illness
Amenity Donation
Attendance Register
Bell Times
8:50am | School commences |
11:00am | Morning Break |
11:30am | End of Morning Break |
1:00pm | Beginning of Lunch Break |
1:50pm | End of Lunch Break |
2:50pm | Bus Students released |
3:00pm | All students released (after buses have departed) |
Big Buddies
All children are assigned a “Big Buddy” when they enrol. This is usually an older child from Year 5 upwards in the same ‘House’. The buddy time is about developing and fostering close relationships throughout the school between children of different ages. The big buddy is a student in the senior school who looks out for their little buddy in the playground, and at whole school events. We have buddy time every Friday from 2.30pm- 2:50pm.
Biking to School
Book Club
At the end of each school day, students are checked onto the bus from the bus rolls. It is very important to let the office know if there are any changes to plans so as to be able to alter bus rolls accordingly.
Cellphones are not permitted to be used at school. We appreciate that sometimes these might be required for after school contact or arrangements. For that purpose they are kept at the office and can be collected by students at the end of the school day.
Change of School
We are pleased to be one of a large number of schools in the Nelson/Tasman region who are using the services of Lifewalk’s school chaplaincy. This service is available through Lifewalk as a non-profit organisation. The role of this is to support well-being. To contact Lyn Campbell, our Chaplain, please email lyn.campbell@riwaka.school.nz
Class Placement
In December parents and whānau will be advised of their child’s placement for the upcoming year. The teachers and Principal are responsible for all class placements. Some of the classes are composite (i.e. two levels in one classroom). This is to make best use of the available teaching staff.
Students are expected to dress in a way that will allow them to participate in all normal school activities, ie PE, Art etc. Tight fitting or “revealing” clothing is not appropriate at school nor is the “Gangster” type clothing e.g. bandanas, low rider pants. Sunsmart clothing options are recommended during Term 1 and Term 4 (ie: shoulders covered) and bucket style sunhats must be worn outside. These are available from the office or you are welcome to provide your own. Please also see the Sun Hats section below.
Collecting Children after School
The bus pupils leave first. Non-bus pupils remain with their teachers until a bell is rung. Parents are asked that they wait outside their child’s classroom for the ‘after school’ or second bell to ring, before taking their child/ children from school. We also ask parents of junior students to please come into the school grounds to collect their child/children, especially for helping cross School Road during this busy time with traffic.
Unnecessary worry can be caused by unfounded rumour or misinterpretation. If any parent or guardian has a concern please don’t hesitate to contact the school to clarify/verify the situation.
It is always preferable to discuss the matter directly with the person concerned to seek clarification or resolve the issue.You are welcome to discuss the progress of your child at any time with his/her teacher. Whenever children’s work or behaviour is causing concern, such discussions are essential and undoubtedly of value to both home and school. Teachers are available for these discussions outside school hours. An appointment is always advisable unless the matter is urgent. Please contact your child’s teacher to make an appointment. This also allows the teacher time to prepare and gather background information for you. If a matter is unresolved, the next point of contact is one of our Assistant Principals, our Principal and finally the Board of Trustees.
Our Concerns and Complaints Policy can be found on the school website under the Policies and Procedure section. You can also view a copy of the flowchart in how we deal with concerns as a school which can be downloaded from below.
Concerns & Complaints Flowchart
Dental Clinic
Dental Care Motueka Community Oral Health Clinic at Parklands School provides treatment for pupils from Riwaka School and for pre-schoolers in the area. Appointment cards will be sent out, usually by text message, when students are due to be seen. Contact can be made direct by phoning 03 528 1160 option 7.
Food, Fizzy and Lollies
We do not have a school homework policy. Our students are largely involved in a wide range of after school activities as well as being part of busy families. A priority of the school is to promote a love of learning and well-rounded rather than ‘stressed-out’ students and parents. The setting of homework in the senior school is at the discretion of the teacher and is expected to be at a level that does not create stress or anxiety. Any work that does come home would be to practice skills that have already been explicitly taught at school and that your child is capable of doing independently.
School Houses
We have four Houses; Whenua – green, Wai – blue, Ahi – red and Hau – silver/grey white/black. We aim to have all family members in the same House. Each student is placed into a House on enrolment at school. Some school events eg; swimming sports, the Houses compete for points. At the end of the year, the House trophy is awarded to the House which has accumulated the most House points.
Itinerant Music Lessons
These are available on a user pays basis for students attending Riwaka School and take place on a Monday during the school day. Expressions of interest for these are asked for at the beginning of each school year and the Teacher in charge of the Arts confirms spaces and time-slots for these. Payment and invoicing for these is a private arrangement between tutor and families.
Lost Property
The lost property cupboard is unlocked and accessible ‘after hours’ for parents to check for missing items. Each week, a different class takes responsibility for monitoring lost property with the aim of minimising how much accumulates each term.
The school issues newsletters on a monthly basis. We regard this form of communication with school families and the community as extremely important. These are published on a Friday or as the need arises and are distributed via email and the Hero App (available for Android and iOS devices). We do not provide a hardcopy.
If a community member wants to utilise the school newsletter as a means of conveying an important message please contact the office.
Playground Areas
Prescribed Medication
The school will take every care to ensure students receive prescribed medication in school hours if this enables them to access education. A medicine administration register is required to be completed before medication can be given. Please contact the office for safe and consistent storage and administering of these.
Our Medicines policy can be found in our Policies and Procedures. All school policies and procedures are hosted on an outside provider, SchoolDocs Ltd. These can be viewed here:
http://riwaka.schooldocs.co.nz/Logon.aspx (login required – see below)
The community username is: riwaka
The community password is: awhi
Pump Track
Pupil Welfare
- Hearing and Vision Specialist
- Speech/Language Therapist
- Resource Teacher Learning & Behaviour
- Ministry of Education Educational Psychologist
- Public Health Nurse
- Oranga Tamariki
- Motueka Family Service Centre
- Truancy Services
- School Dental Service
- Living Safe Motueka
In all cases the parents/caregivers and school are kept fully informed. As a parent/caregiver you may request any of the above services by contacting the school who are able to submit referrals to appropriate agencies on behalf of whanau.
All children are seen in their first school year by the Hearing and Vision Specialist and also at Year 7.
Reporting to Parents
School Trips
Smoke-free and Vaping-free School
Social Media
We offer a wide range of sports out of school hours for students from Years 0 to 8. Details of these sports can be obtained from our sports co-ordinator. Participation in these sports is reliant on support from parents for coaching and managing of teams. Students are required to wear a school sports top which are available for purchase from ProBrands for $39.95. We have a range at the office to try on for sizing.
Stationery Purchases
At the end of the year class teachers issue a stationery requirement list for the following year and these are published to the Officemax website. We ask parents to only purchase stationery items as per the given list. Some children arrive at school with some stationery which is surplus to requirements and/or unsuitable. We ask that students have their stationery with them for the beginning of the school year.
Sun Hats
The wearing of a wide brimmed sun hat is compulsory throughout the period of Terms 1 & 4. This can either be the black “bucket” hat with our school branding available from the school office for $20, or if preferred students are able to wear the wider brimmed “Aussie” hat available from some retailers. Please ensure all hats are named.
Swimming Pool Swipe Card Hire
Anyone over the age of 18 may hire a swimming pool swipe card from the office during the summer season. A Usage Agreement must be read and signed prior to the issue of the swipe card. The fee for the 2024/2025 season is $140.00 + $10.00 bond. The bond is refundable only if the card is returned by the deadline outlined in the Usage Agreement.
Technology Centre
Toys at School
Use of School Grounds
Permission is necessary for clubs, groups and private use of the grounds or buildings from the Principal.