
Integrated Curriculum Approaches to Learning

At Riwaka School, we use an Integrated Curriculum Approaches to Learning (ICAL) to deliver rich, authentic learning experiences strongly based in local contexts. Our teaching staff make good use of community resources and expertise to deepen curriculum and engage children in meaningful learning. This involves bringing the experts to us, taking the learners out into our local environments, and using an inquiry approach to drive curiosity and student agency.

Our Place is our local curriculum; the knowledge, understandings and stories about the unique place Riwaka School has in the world. Our children learn about the whenua (land), the awa (river), the people, the history and the changes that have taken place over time, that have brought us to the point we are at now – Our Place.

We have three learning teams that represent the place along our special waterway:

  • Te Puna (The Source) – Years 0-3
  • Te Awa (The River) – Years 4-6
  • Te Pūaha (The River Mouth) Years – 7 & 8

In Te Puna students experience an aspect of ‘play-based learning’ to support development of the Key Competencies. This encourages curiosity, problem solving, creativity, negotiating, oral language and many other skills. On a Friday morning all junior classes work together in ‘Discovery Time’ which has a ‘play-based learning’ focus. Students can be seen building, imagining, evaluating, questioning, discussing, wondering and generally having fun while learning alongside others.

Education Outside the Classroom

Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) is used at all levels to enrich learning experiences. We are fortunate to live in an area where there are sites within walking distance which have significance to science, social science and technology as learning experiences.